Client/Styling/Photography: Love Bonito
Production: Kalliroy Edlin
HMU JUL: Samantha Coles
HMU AUG: Emma Jane
I fell in love with the city again after scouting for interesting locations for Singapore fashion brand Love Bonito. It was a fun 6 days traipsing around Melbourne's CBD, parks and restaurants with our small crew and gorgeous models. Had a bit of trouble constantly refolding the changing tent and losing about 4 umbrellas but we managed to sneak it all in between showers.
Client: Ambra
Agency: The Incubator
Photographer: Bernard Gueit
Styling and set design by me (and AD Kyran Docker)
Client: Love Luna Period Undies
Agency: The Incubator
Photographer: Bernard Gueit
Styling and set design by me (and AD Kyran Docker)
Photographer: Bernard Gueit
Client: Misha Collection
Creative Director / Stylist: Dhav Naidu
Hair & Makeup Stylist: Belinda Zollo
Talent: Emily Baker - Priscilla’s
The brief for this was New York Subway at night.. and despite it being a gorgeous summers day somehow Bernie pulled this off! A really fun day with amazing results.
Photographer: Bernard Guiet
Client: New Balance
Agency: Frontier Advertising
Hair & Makeup: Emma Jane
Talent: Ellie Coker, Elana, Ava
A fun urban fashion shoot we nailed the perfect weather for an autumn golden light day. Finding these locations was the most fun!
Photographer: Thom Rigney
Client: New Balance
Agency: Frontier Advertising
Art Director: Sebastian Rachele
Talent: AFL Ambassador Nathan Jones
Just one of the many campaigns I have worked on for New Balance, this one is a prime example of a quick 30 shots in half a day at 2 locations with skeleton staff.
Photographer: Bernard Gueit
Client: Bossa Store
Hair & Makeup Stylist: Emma Jane
Talent: Leah Johnsen - Vivien's
Photographer: Bernard Gueit
Client: Bell & Barnett
Creative Director/Stylist: Dhav Naidu
Hair Stylist: Ivan Constable
Make-up: Chelsea Bagan
Talent: Lachlan Busk - London Mngmnt
Production included Casting, Locations, Logistics, etc. This was a jam packed day featuring 10 different locations/outfits around the CBD over the course of a day. The weather Gods were with us that day as it was the middle of winter!
Photography: Bernard Gueit
Client: Brand Collective
Agency: Mustard Creative
Stylist: Elaine Marshall
Hair & Makeup: Lisa Sherry
Talent: Ash Williams
Talent (next image): JR Reyne
Photography: Bernard Gueit
Client: Brand Collective
Stylist: Lauren De Innocentis
Hair & Makeup: Lisa Sherry
Talent: Jake Stent-Powell - Vivien's
Photographer: Bernard Gueit
Client: Haynes
Stylist: Dhav Naidu
Hair & Makeup Stylist: Lisa Sherry
Male Talent: Justin Lacko - Chadwicks
Female Talent (next image): Miranda - Vivien's
Photography: Bernard Gueit
Client: Misha Collection
Hair & Makeup Stylist: Belinda Zollo
Photographer: Bernard Gueit
Client: Anna Campbell
Makeup Artist: Melonie Santos
Hair Stylist: Alana Tabak - Momu Hair
Talent: Annalise McLaughlan - Chic Syd
Photography: Earl Carter
Client: Yarra Trail
Agency: ST&P Marketing Communications
A fashion label I managed for 3 seasons while at ST&P, including a 5 day catalogue shoot (over 30 shots) in Bali, with 2 talent, 8 crew and over 10 locations.